The Graduate Center for Literary Research (GCLR) aims to be a place for lively intellectual exchange between students of Comparative Literature and other affiliated disciplines in the Humanities at UCSB. We welcome students engaged in the study of literature, art, film, and theory. The GCLR is a unit of the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, which provides administrative support.
The Center is directed by Sven Spieker (Germanic & Slavic Studies/Comparative Literature). The current Graduate Student Research Coordinator is Vernon Shaw. Both work with a Student Advisory and Editorial Board and a Faculty Advisory Board that help run the GCLR.
Our activities include quarterly roundtables, where emergent scholars present their work in progress; an annual interdisciplinary conference; a Dissertation and Prospectus Writing workshop; annual week-long visits by distinguished scholars who give a public lecture and/or teach a seminar, and establish connections with our doctoral students; and the management of Exchanges, an annual peer-reviewed responsive journal produced by the Student Editorial Board that takes it theme from the annual interdisciplinary conference.
Affiliated Departments and Programs:
Comparative Literature English History of Art & Architecture
German and Slavic French and Italian Spanish and Portuguese
Film and Media Art History Art
Religious Studies Classics East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies