On Friday, March 1, 2024, 10am-11.30am PST (on Zoom), this international panel discussion addresses questions of figuration in the global postwar era, with specific reference to the utopian potential of Socialist Realism. Embedding Eastern European art in a global context, participants will investigate the social function of Socialist Realism in various socialist societies, placing them in relation to other politically engaged art forms. Apart from this they will look at different national historiographies and ask how these in their turn determine different perspectives on Socialist Realism.
Participants: Constanze Fritzsch (Fulbright Fellow at Getty Research Institute, organizer); Magda Moskalewicz (School of the Art Institue, Chicago); Jitka Šosová (Academy of Art, Architecture and Design, Prague); Gregor Taul (Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallin).
Everybody is welcome! Join us on Zoom.