Event Date:
Friday, April 22, 2022 - 10:00am to 11:00am
Event Date Details:
Please join us on Zoom: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/
Event Price:
This event is free and open to all students, faculty, and staff.
Event Contact:
Please contact Prof. Sven Spieker: spieker@gss.ucsb.edu
Please join us for a talk by Elske Rosenfeld (Independent scholar) on “Gabriele Stötzer: The Collective as Liberation".
Gabriele Stötzer’s collaborative feminist performances stand out from the practices of the late GDR’s artistic underground. Her work was powerfully liberating in that it departed not only from the configurations of gender or collectivity of the Socialist state, but also from the confines of individualism and escapism deployed against the state by underground artists against. Today Stötzer's works challenge a historicization of “East German non-conformist art” that has inherited binarisms such as "communist vs. anti-communist", "collective vs. individual” etc. from the Cold War. This talk is based on research for Rosenfeld's forthcoming book “A Vocabulary of Revolutionary Gestures. 1989/90 as a Dissident Revolution.”
For more information about Gabriele Stötzer, go to: https://artmargins.com/ conscious-inability-gabriele- stotzers-archive-at-galerie- fur-zeitgenossische-kunst- leipzig/.
Elske Rosenfeld's talk is the inagural lecture of the new lecture series "New Approaches to Art in the German Democratic Republic", an interdisciplinary series of lectures by national and international scholars doing cutting-edge research into experimental GDR art and visually oriented literature, with a special focus on exhibition history; the representation of women and ethnic minority populations in the GDR across a broad range of artistic forms; and innovative approaches to the medium of the artist’s book in GDR art and its intermedia poetry. The lecture series is jointly organized by Sven Spieker (UC Santa Barbara) and Matteo Bertelé (Ca’ Foscari University, Venice).
To view a recording of Dr. Rosenfeld's talk, you can visit the GCLR Youtube channel here.
April 4, 2022 - 1:03pm