Applying for a Travel Grant

Travel Grants are for graduate students from any affiliated department. They are linked to the successful participation in a GCLR roundtable. Students who successfully present a paper at the GCLR roundtable may receive a $500 travel grant to present a version of the paper they presented at the roundtable at a professional meeting or conference. The same student can receive a roundtable related travel grant twice during their career at UCSB

In order to quality for the travel grant, successful roundtable participants should email the following documents to the Graduate Student Coordinator ( 

1. an email indicating the conference venue; title of paper and brief abstract; and dates of travel;

2. a copy of the offical inviation to the conference; 

3. a copy of your listing on the GCLR Roundtable program to show that the paper you presented at the Roundtable and the conference paper have the same theme. 

After the conference, the recipient is required to send receipts of travel-related expenses to the Graduate Student Coordinator.